Articles |
Title |
Publication |
Date  |
Washington may have to choose between European and Middle East allies |
Brussels Morning |
April 20, 2021 |
How The U.S. Put Latin America Up For Grabs |
Washington Times |
April 2, 2014 |
Cyber-war: In Deed And Desire, Iran Emerging As A Major Power |
Christian Science Monitor |
March 17, 2014 |
Muslim Russia? |
Washington Times |
October 21, 2013 |
The End of Russia |
National Review Online |
October 7, 2013 |
With Lure Of Religious Classes, Iran Seeks To Recruit Latin Americans |
Washington Post |
August 10, 2013 |
Iran Cyber Attack Highlights Growing Threat, Experts Say |
Huffington Post |
October 25, 2012 |
Cyberspace The New Frontier In Iran's War With Foes |
Reuters |
October 24, 2012 |
The Threat From Iran |
inFocus Quarterly |
Summer 2012 |
In Confronting Iran, Experts Say All Roads Go Through China |
Jerusalem Post |
November 10, 2011 |
'Quiet' Arab Coalition Supports Attack On Iran |
Jerusalem Post |
November 9, 2011 |
Inside Israel's Attack Plan On Iran's Nukes |
U.S. News & World Report |
November 8, 2011 |
DC Think Tank Hopes To Add Rigor To Counterterrorism Scope |
Jerusalem Post |
September 22, 2011 |
Erdogan Promises New Sanctions In Escalating Turkey-Israel Feud |
Bloomberg |
September 7, 2011 |
Ilan Berman interviewed on U.S. intervention in Libya |
Foxnews.com |
June 16, 2011 |
Russian Leader Talks Return to Cold War Days before Meeting with Obama |
CNSNews |
May 24, 2011 |
Ilan Berman interviewed on Iran and the "Arab Spring" |
Fox News Channel |
April 8, 2011 |
Iran Touts Its Islamic Republic As Model For New Arab Regimes |
Bloomberg |
April 5, 2011 |
How A Middle East Expert (And Hillary) Sleeps At Night |
Esquire.com |
March 1, 2011 |
Obama Ends Silence On Libya, Warns Gadhafi To End Violence |
San Francisco Examiner |
February 24, 2011 |
Steel Deal Reveals Pawlenty's Priorities on Security, Jobs |
RealClearPolitics |
January 31, 2011 |
US, Iran Agree In Geneva To Meet Again In Early 2011 |
Jerusalem Post |
December 8, 2010 |
Ilan Berman interviewed on the Iran-Venezuela axis |
Christian Broadcasting Network |
November 17, 2010 |
Ilan Berman interviewed on U.S. policy toward Iran |
Voice of America |
October 30, 2010 |
Washington And Moscow Versus Afghan Heroin (in Russian) |
Voice of America |
October 29, 2010 |
Ilan Berman interviewed on U.S. policy toward Iran |
Secure Freedom Radio |
October 28, 2010 |
Iraq War Documents Leak On Iran, Abuses Shows Security Progress Lacking |
Bloomberg |
October 23, 2010 |
Ahmadinejad Stature Fades As Pressure Grows On Iran Atomic Work |
Bloomberg |
September 24, 2010 |
STARTing A Fad: Europe Following Obama's Moscow Missile Misstep |
BigPeace.com |
September 22, 2010 |
Nuclear Impasse May Prompt Renewed Diplomatic Offer To Iran At UN Meeting |
Bloomberg |
September 21, 2010 |
Obama's Presidency Nears Its Foreign Policy Crossroads As Criticism Grows |
Deutsche Welle |
August 31, 2010 |
'Israel Has Days To Strike Bushehr' |
Jerusalem Post |
August 18, 2010 |
My Spy Story |
Washington Times |
July 1, 2010 |
Believing Israel Will Strike Iran |
Pajamas Media |
June 30, 2010 |
Risk Grows That Israel Will Go Alone To Take Out Iranian Nukes |
Washington Examiner |
April 27, 2010 |
One Man Versus The Mubaraks |
Newsweek |
April 20, 2010 |
Ilan Berman interviewed on U.S. policy toward Iran |
Fox News Channel |
April 19, 2010 |
Ilan Berman interviewed on Iran, U.S. policy |
Fox News Channel |
April 15, 2010 |
Ilan Berman interviewed on Obama nuclear summit, Iran |
Radio America Secure Freedom Radio |
April 14, 2010 |
Gibbs: Obama Sees Loose Nuke Material As No. 1 Security Threat |
Foxnews.com |
April 12, 2010 |
Ilan Berman interviewed on nuclear security |
Fox News Channel |
April 12, 2010 |
Nuclear Weapons Worries: Is Threat Of Iran Sanctions Making Tehran Testy With Europe? |
Christian Science Monitor |
March 1, 2010 |
Ilan Berman interviewed on Iran, U.S. policy |
NewsMax.TV |
February 11, 2010 |
US Warns Iran To Take Deadline Seriously |
Jerusalem Post |
December 30, 2009 |
Ilan Berman interviewed on Iran, U.S. policy |
C-SPAN's "Washington Journal" |
December 20, 2009 |
Ilan Berman interviewed on Russian missile test, U.S.-Russian relations |
Fox News Channel |
December 10, 2009 |
US Welcomes Iran's Increased Cooperation Over Nuclear Issue |
Jerusalem Post |
October 6, 2009 |
U.S. Not Adequately Challenging Radical Islam in Information War, Experts Say |
CNSNews.com |
August 12, 2009 |
Editorial: Fighting The War Of Ideas |
Washington Times |
August 3, 2009 |
Has Ahmadinejad Lost His Global Following? |
Christian Science Monitor |
July 14, 2009 |
Amid Iran's Tests, Signs Of Weakness |
Christian Science Monitor |
July 11, 2008 |
Deepening China-Iran Ties Weaken Bid to Isolate Iran |
Washington Post |
November 18, 2007 |
Iran Trying to Woo Arab Gulf States |
CNSNews.com |
September 19, 2007 |
Analysis: Finding Iran's Weak Spot |
United Press International |
July 13, 2007 |
'US Hasn't Yet Grasped Iran Threat' |
Jerusalem Post |
July 10, 2007 |
Iran Vote Rattles Leader's Authority |
San Francisco Chronicle |
December 22, 2006 |
Crisis In Middle East Likely To Grab G8 Spotlight |
CTV.ca News |
July 14, 2006 |
Book Reviews |
Book Title |
Publication |
Date  |
Iran's Deadly Ambition: The Islamic Republic's Quest for Global Power
by Ilan Berman |
Providence |
July 8, 2016 |
Iran's Deadly Ambition: The Islamic Republic's Quest for Global Power
by Ilan Berman |
Claremont Review of Books |
March 31, 2016 |
Iran's Deadly Ambition: The Islamic Republic's Quest for Global Power
by Ilan Berman |
Near East Report |
November 2015 |
Iran's Deadly Ambition: The Islamic Republic's Quest for Global Power
by Ilan Berman |
Moment Magazine |
October 24, 2015 |
Iran's Deadly Ambition: The Islamic Republic's Quest for Global Power
by Ilan Berman |
Washington Free Beacon |
September 6, 2015 |
Iran's Deadly Ambition: The Islamic Republic's Quest for Global Power
by Ilan Berman |
Washington Times |
August 11, 2015 |
Implosion: The End of Russia and What It Means for America
by Ilan Berman |
Middle East Quarterly |
June 2, 2014 |
Implosion: The End of Russia and What It Means for America
by Ilan Berman |
ASMEA Book Notes |
May 19, 2014 |
Implosion: The End of Russia and What It Means for America
by Ilan Berman |
inFocus Quarterly |
January 9, 2014 |
Implosion: The End of Russia and What It Means for America
by Ilan Berman |
Washington Times |
November 6, 2013 |
Implosion: The End of Russia and What It Means for America
by Ilan Berman |
National Strategy Forum Review |
November 1, 2013 |
Implosion: The End of Russia and What It Means for America
by Ilan Berman |
Trending Central |
September 29, 2013 |
Implosion: The End of Russia and What It Means for America
by Ilan Berman |
National Review Online |
September 29, 2013 |
Winning The Long War: Retaking the Offensive Against Radical Islam
by Ilan Berman |
inFocus Quarterly |
Winter 2011 |
Winning The Long War: Retaking the Offensive Against Radical Islam
by Ilan Berman |
Journal of the Middle East and Africa |
Fall 2010 |
Winning The Long War: Retaking the Offensive Against Radical Islam
by Ilan Berman |
Far Eastern Economic Review |
November 2009 |
Winning The Long War: Retaking the Offensive Against Radical Islam
by Ilan Berman |
The Humanist |
November/December 2009 |
Tehran Rising: Iran's Challenge to the United States
by Ilan Berman |
Orange County Register |
October 26, 2009 |
Winning The Long War: Retaking the Offensive Against Radical Islam
by Ilan Berman |
Huffington Post |
October 14, 2009 |
Winning The Long War: Retaking the Offensive Against Radical Islam
by Ilan Berman |
North Star Writers Group |
September 13, 2009 |
Winning The Long War: Retaking the Offensive Against Radical Islam
by Ilan Berman |
Comparative Strategy |
Vol. 28, iss. 4, pp. 376-377 |
Winning the Long War: Retaking the Offensive Against Radical Islam
by Ilan Berman |
Publisher's Weekly |
August 24, 2009 |
Winning the Long War: Retaking the Offensive against Radical Islam
by Ilan Berman |
The Jerusalem Post |
July 24, 2009 |
Winning The Long War: Retaking the Offensive Against Radical Islam
by Ilan Berman |
National Review Online |
July 23, 2009 |
Winning The Long War: Retaking the Offensive Against Radical Islam
by Ilan Berman |
Washington Times |
July 17, 2009 |
Winning The Long War: Retaking the Offensive Against Radical Islam
by Ilan Berman |
Publishers Weekly |
May 11, 2009 |
Tehran Rising: Iran's Challenge to the United States
by Ilan Berman |
Philadelphia Inquirer |
February 1, 2006 |
Tehran Rising: Iran's Challenge to the United States
by Ilan Berman |
Weekly Standard |
January 16, 2006 |
Tehran Rising: Iran's Challenge to the United States
by Ilan Berman |
National Review Online |
January 3, 2006 |
Tehran Rising: Iran's Challenge to the United States
by Ilan Berman |
The National Interest |
September 2005 |